Publishing Study "Ottoman Period Swords Found in the Library of Koyunoğlu City and Museum" was carried out

Tarih 17.07.2020
Birim Rectorate
SDG Quality Education

Publication Study was carried out by Necmettin Erbakan University, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Department of Art History. The research article titled "Ottoman Period Swords in the Koyunoğlu City Museum and Library" is the head of the Early Christian and Byzantine Arts Department, who graduated from Hacettepe University, Faculty of Letters, Art History Department and completed his Master's and Doctorate at Selçuk University. Instructor Dr. İlker Mete MİMİROĞLU, who graduated from Selçuk University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Art History, completed his master's and doctorate at Selçuk University. Instructor Written by member Hacer KARA. The Publication Study has been important in providing new interpretations and information in the context of the chapter.

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