Quality and Accreditation Mobilization at our University

Tarih 15.12.2023
Birim Quality and Accreditation Coordinatorship
SDG Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Our university management, our Rector Prof. Dr. It came together under the chairmanship of Cem Zorlu to talk about what needs to be done to further improve the quality and accreditation processes of the university.

Speaking at the meeting held at the Nezahat Keleşoğlu Conference Hall of our University Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Theology, our Rector Prof. Dr. Cem Zorlu stated that accreditation has become indispensable in internationalization, student employment and many other issues, and said, “The new generation now looks at the quality scores and accreditations of the university when choosing a university. Recently, while one of our daughters was accepted to a veterinary unit in the UK, she was faced with the requirement of graduating from an accredited faculty. There are several universities in Turkey that are accredited in this field. "We see that quality and accreditation processes have become issues that need to be worked on meticulously," he said.

“We Are Starting Quality and Accreditation Mobilization” Stating that our university is preparing for the process with all its units to receive 5-year full accreditation by the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK) and that 6 programs have been accredited in the last year and that this number will increase in the near future, Rector Zorlu said, “We will take immediate action within the framework of an intense, careful and sensitive process.” and we will follow the processes closely. "We are launching a new quality and accreditation campaign, building on the work done so far at our university," he said.

“The Opinions of All Stakeholders Are Valued” Our Rector Prof. Dr. Cem Zorlu also stated that great importance is given to the opinions of internal and external stakeholders in the quality and accreditation processes, and that university-city cooperation will further develop in line with the feedback to be received from them, thus providing significant added value to both the university and the city. Our University's Quality and Accreditation Coordinator and YÖKAK Assessor Prof. Dr. Ahmet Türkan talked about the gains that accreditation brings to higher education. Prof. Dr. In this regard, Türkan talked about the importance of all units participating in the process with a participatory approach and gave detailed information about the preparations that need to be made. The program ended after the participants expressed their opinions and the question-answer session.
