Rubric and Corporate Information Management System Training

Tarih 16.11.2023
Birim Quality and Accreditation Coordinatorship
SDG Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Within the scope of increasing quality awareness and disseminating quality culture at our university, the first of the trainings organized to provide information about quality processes was held at Nezahat Keleşoğlu Faculty of Health Sciences.

     "Rubric Training and Corporate Information Management System Training" organized by our Quality and Accreditation Coordinatorship was held in two separate sessions.

    First of all, Vice Rector Prof. at the meeting. Dr. Bahadır FEYZİOĞLU made the opening speech. Later, Quality and Accreditation Coordinator Prof. Dr. Ahmet TÜRKAN, with his presentation on Rubric training, explained what maturity levels mean and how they are determined in the "Institutional Internal Evaluation Report". The training was carried out in an interactive manner by ensuring that the participants actively answered the questions given in the case study. The training was completed with Computer Engineer Asuman GÜNERHAN's presentation and examples on the use of the "Corporate Information Management System".