Saplings Met the Soil in Our Köyceğiz Campus

Tarih 11.11.2022
Birim Rectorate
SDG Life on Land

Sapling planting event was held in our Köyceğiz Campus within the scope of the sapling planting event held simultaneously in 81 provinces on the occasion of the National Afforestation Day, for future generations to grow up with environmental awareness and for a greener Turkey. 
Vice Rector of our University Prof. Dr. Hundreds of saplings were planted in the event attended by Oğuz Doğan, Deputy Secretary General Mustafa Emre Çınar, as well as administrators, academic and administrative staff and students. 
Speaking in the program, Prof. Dr. Oğuz Doğan said, “It is a very meaningful day for Konya and our country to become a greener place and for future generations to be aware of this issue. On such a day, as a nation, we are doing a very important and useful job, planting saplings, on behalf of a greener Turkey from 7 to 77. I hope the saplings we plant today will be a breath of fresh air for the future. Wherever we are, we must protect nature and take care of the beings that breathe us. I think it is important and necessary to take part in such social activities and to act responsibly on these issues. "I congratulate everyone who is here today, who participated and worked in the afforestation event throughout Turkey," he said.