Scientific Center Meeting with Urgench State University and Urgench State Pedagogical Institute

Tarih 09.07.2024
Birim Faculty of Political Science
SDG Sustainable Cities and Communities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

As part of their visit to Konya and our faculty, Professor Dr. Bakhrom Ismoilovich Abdullaev, Rector of Urgench State University, and Associate Professor Dr. Feruza Ruzimbayevna Madrakhimova, Rector of Urgench State Pedagogical Institute, toured the Konya Science Center. During the tour, they received detailed information from the science center officials, and ideas were exchanged regarding the establishment of a similar science center in Kazakhstan. This collaboration is significant as part of our faculty's efforts to enhance scientific and academic partnerships on an international scale. Our faculty will continue to participate in such international activities, strengthening its global presence and cooperative endeavors.