Scientific Technical Trip for Scientific Research for Faculty of Nursing Students

Tarih 22.05.2024
Birim ARC of Experimental Medicine (KONUDAM)
SDG Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

 The establishment and activity purposes of our center are; To support projects carried out to bring and develop research, methods and results in the fields of health and science in the world to our country in order to enable our country to go further in the scientific field, original studies for new inventions and patent applications; To conduct scientific research for the protection of the environment and to support the studies carried out; To ensure communication, exchange of information and experience among staff working in the scientific field, to support, publish and reward ongoing research. Our center, which constitutes a good example of the studies carried out in the field of scientific research and development between the private sector and the University, carries out the studies specified in its charter in order to achieve its aims and duties stated above.
In line with these purposes, scientific technical tour programs are organized in our center to encourage scientific and experimental research for students studying at the undergraduate level in health and science.
Within the scope of this program, a technical trip was organized for undergraduate students of the nursing faculty of our university on May 22, 2024, introducing the experimental and scientific opportunities of our center, and participation certificates were delivered to the students who participated in the program with a ceremony.