Seb-i Arus Event

Tarih 14.12.2023
Birim Faculty of Nursing
SDG Good Health and Well-Being, Sustainable Cities and Communities

The event titled "Şeb-i Arus", commemorating the night of Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi's death was held on 14.12.2023, under the leadership of Dr. Aliye ÇAYIR, Head of the Department of Teaching in Nursing of our faculty, with the participation of 2nd year nursing students. Within the scope of the event, an enjoyable Ney recital was performed by second-grade student Durmuş Eren BALCI, and Turkish delight was served. We would like to thank our student Durmuş Eren BALCI and our other students who contributed to our event with the Ney recital.