Social Work Clinic Days Social Work Practices with Young People: My Future Dream Project Example

Tarih 15.05.2024
Birim Nezahat Keleşoğlu Faculty of Health Sciences
SDG Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Providing psycho-social support, counseling and guidance to young individuals so that they can better overcome adolescence are important elements. Young people should be directed to various hobbies starting from their childhood. In this way, they can be enabled to make sense of life both physically and in adulthood, and to continue their lives with the awareness that they have a purpose. Social work practices with young people were discussed in this session of the "social work clinic days" event series, which was organized to enable social work department students to closely follow current practices in the field and learn new developments. The guest, who works in the relevant field, gave information about the knowledge, skills and values that a specialist should have in clinical social work work with young people and the micro, mezzo and macro level application techniques used in the field. The roles and duties that were emphasized were as follows:
• Counseling: Providing counseling to the young individual or their family regarding the problems they experience before and during the crisis.
• Advocacy: To defend the legally guaranteed rights of young people who are dragged into child labor or crime.
• Link Builder: To help establish the connection between the institutions serving children and young people and the client.
• Educational: To inform young people and their families about the policies to be implemented. Teaching the correct intervention processes by ensuring that families are aware of training on approaching children in adolescence.
Examples of cases intervened within the scope of the studies carried out within the scope of the "My Future Dream Project" targeting young people between the ages of 14-24, carried out under the umbrella of the Association for Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Development, were presented and the relevant cases were analyzed together with the participants. In the final stage of the seminar, a question and answer event was held with young people about the field of social service and related cases.