Software in Professional Kitchens

Tarih 25.05.2022
Birim Faculty of Tourism
SDG Quality Education

In the "Software in Professional Kitchens" interview held as part of the Turkish Cuisine Week activities in Konya, branding, branching and current software systems were discussed.

At the event organized by Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Tourism in the conference hall of the faculty, Faculty of Tourism Faculty Member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yılmaz Sechim, Armiya Technology General Manager Ali İhsan Tuğ and Deputy General Manager Özgen Kart came together with university students.
At the event, guiding presentations were made to the students on branching and benefiting from the technology of the age.
Armiya Technology General Manager Ali İhsan Tuğ said that the most important way of branding is to branch.