Strengthening Our Students' Ability to Compete Globally

Tarih 01.11.2023
Birim Academy of Foreign Languages
SDG Quality Education

Eğitimin kalitesini artırmak ve öğrencilerimize daha etkili bir öğrenme deneyimi sağlamak amacıyla Okulumuz, Macmillan Education yayınevi tarafından düzenlenen bir bilgilendirme seminerine ev sahipliği yaptı. Okulumuzun İngilizce Hazırlık öğrencilerine yönelik düzenlenen seminerde, önemli online ödev ve çalışma platformları hakkında detaylı bilgilere yer verildi.

This organization aims to contribute to the goals in the field of education in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Education is a cornerstone of the Sustainable Development Goals and this event aims to strengthen our students' ability to compete globally. Macmillan Education's modern learning tools and online platforms aim to provide our students with a more effective and interactive learning experience.

Such activities aim to improve the quality of education not only for students but also for teachers by providing them with up-to-date information on contemporary educational methods and tools. Education is the key to sustainable development and through such events we aim to raise our students to be more knowledgeable, resourceful and responsible individuals on a global level.

We would like to thank the participants once again and we will continue our efforts to organize more similar events in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.