Students of our school met at the Seminar on Women of War organized by Kurtaran Nefes Student Community.

Tarih 05.03.2024
Birim Health Vocational School
SDG Gender Equality, Reduced Inequalities

The seminar titled "Women of War" organized by the Kurtaran Nefes Student Community of our Vocational School was held with the participation of Director Tülay GÖKÇİMEN. At the seminar held specifically for March 8, International Women's Day, speaker Tülay GÖKÇİMEN shared her knowledge and experiences about women in the war zone with the students of the Vocational School of Health Services. On behalf of our Vocational School, we would like to thank Tülay GÖKÇİMEN for sharing her valuable knowledge and experiences with us.