Students of the Department of Logistics Management on a Technical Trip

Tarih 13.01.2022
Birim Academy of Applied Sciences
SDG Quality Education

Our Faculty Department of Logistics Management 3. Within the scope of the "Production Logistics" course for class students, a technical trip was organized to Batu Logistics and TCDD Kayacık Logistics Center on January 5, 2021. The students who participated in the technical trip were welcomed by Merve Örgü and Bekir Bahadır, who are among the first graduates of the Department of Logistics Management, who are currently working at Batu Logistics.
Offering information on topics such as order management, labeling, barcoding, bookletting, palletizing, palletizing, stretching, product packaging and placement, pallet strapping, case opening and product removal, Knitting and Bahadır also talked about the experiences that On-the-Job Training has given them to our students. They also gave information about which positions they can work in after graduation and emphasized the importance of the Department of Logistics Management.
Raypor t Railway Transport Limited Company at TCDD Kayacık Logistics Center
Operations Manager Dursun Altan also enlightened the students about the containers.