Technical Trip to Horse Farms

Tarih 07.03.2024
Birim Konya Ereğli Kemal Akman Vocational School
SDG Quality Education, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

A practical technical trip to Özsarı Horse Farm was organized with the students of the Equine Breeding and Training Program. Within the scope of the technical trip, the students were shown how to approach the horse, preparation before boarding, horse mounting and dismounting techniques, correct sitting on the horse and how to ride (a simple walk) and were practiced by each student one by one. Historically, horses have always lived side by side with humans throughout human history. It is known that about 4 thousand years ago, Turks in Central Asia used horses as mounts. Riding; It is the art of using a horse and is the ability to use the horse in the right place, calmly, on time, safely and by exerting as much force as possible. Horses are timid and emotional animals. Therefore, approaching horses within the framework of the rules that must be followed when approaching horses allows the horse-rider communication to become stronger by contributing to both the horses feeling more safe and the students gaining self-confidence. Preparation before boarding is very important. This situation not only gives us an idea about whether the horse is healthy or not, but also enables rider-horse communication to be healthier by establishing a strong bond between the rider and the horse. It makes it easier for the rider to learn how to approach the horse in the right way and from the right side in mounting and dismounting techniques and to gain practice in equestrian sports. These techniques are generally divided into three: stool assistance, supported (assisted) riding and unsupported (unaided) riding. The benefits of sitting correctly on the horse for the horse and rider are; By sitting at the right point in the right saddle, the rider will have a more balanced sitting and it will be easier to hold on to the horse by aligning his/her own center of gravity with the horse's center of gravity. At the same time, by actively using all the muscles in the body, especially the muscles in the legs, it will make it easier for the rider to convey his wishes to the horse and enable the rider to have a proper body posture. Therefore, riders will understand how important sensitivity is in horse riding practices, use their lower and upper limbs more effectively with correct sitting, and will gain a strong feeling and provide comfortable riding.