The Adventure of Education in Konya from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic

Tarih 13.06.2022
Birim Ahmet Kelesoğlu Faculty of Education
SDG Quality Education, Sustainable Cities and Communities

Necmettin Erbakan University Institute of Educational Sciences organized an impressive painting exhibition with the theme of "The Adventure of Education in Konya from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic". This exhibition presents a panorama of the periods that have an important place in the history of education in Konya and the understanding of education, schools and student life in these periods. The exhibition aims to bring to light the different stages of the educational adventure in Konya from the Ottoman Empire period to the present.

This activity is directly linked to SDG 4 - Quality Education. The painting exhibition addresses education from a historical and cultural perspective, highlighting the roots and evolution of our education system and its effects on society. The exhibition also reveals the processes of change and development in education, while providing an understanding of how society is shaped by education.

Furthermore, this event can also be associated with SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities, as the exhibition contributes to the preservation and promotion of local culture and history by researching and showcasing the educational history of Konya. This highlights support for the arts and heritage, particularly under SDG 11.2.

The painting exhibition "The Adventure of Education in Konya from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic" aims to bring our local community, students, academics and the general public together with these important aspects of our educational history. At the same time, the exhibition provides valuable insights into educational policy and practice for the future, providing a reflection on educational practice and understanding in the past.

This exhibition reminds us of how much of an impact education has on the development of society and individuals. Education is a tool of development not only for individuals but also for our society and nation. The historical perspective can help us better understand our current education system and develop strategies on how we can contribute more effectively to the sustainable development goals.