The effects of the earthquake in Hatay and Iskenderun were examined

Tarih 03.12.2023
Birim Faculty of Engineering
SDG Quality Education, Life on Land, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Civil Engineer and Architect candidates,  Prof. in Antakya and Iskenderun. Dr. He examined the effects of the earthquake under the management of Adnan Özdemir.

With the support of Konya Metropolitan Municipality with vehicles, food supplies, and personnel, students of the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of our University, faculty member of the Department of Civil Engineering, Prof. Dr. Under the management of Adnan Özdemir, they carried out observation and examination of earthquake effects in Antakya and Iskenderun. Providing information about the technical examination carried out, Prof. Dr. Adnan Özdemir; He stated that during the trip attended by many students, it was observed that placement in the wrong place, use of weak concrete and less reinforcement, mistakes made in the design of the structures and application errors were effective in increasing the damage. The way to plan the future, to create cities that are resistant to disasters, to prevent ordinary natural events from turning into disasters and causing loss of life and property is through education and control, and the necessity of increasing awareness on this issue and keeping this awareness alive over time is through examining and observing the effects of earthquakes that cause a lot of loss of life and property. It was explained to young engineer and architect candidates. In the context of repairing the earthquake damages and enabling the people of the region to return to their normal lives, the self-sacrificing and self-sacrificing work of all institutions and organizations of our state, the military, the police and non-governmental organizations in cooperation has been hopeful and consoling - amidst all the sadness and painful scenes. Prof. Dr. Adnan Özdemir also thanked Konya Metropolitan Municipality for their contribution to the technical review study.