The Event titled “174 Years Panel and Interview in Teacher Training” was Held

Tarih 16.03.2022
Birim Rectorate
SDG Quality Education, Reduced Inequalities

The event was held by the Conscious Educators Community within the scope of Necmettin Erbakan University Ahmet Keleşoğlu Education Faculty Classroom Education Department. The aim of the event was to celebrate the 174th anniversary of the opening of teacher schools. After a short introduction of the Conscious Educators Community, the panel chairman and speakers were invited to their places. As the chairman of the panel, Prof. Dr. Due to the fact that İsa Korkmaz has COVID-19, Prof. Dr. Ayşe Mentiş Taş took office. After Mentiş Taş gave a short briefing, the panelists gave the right to speak. Speaking first, Prof. Dr. Osman Akandere touched upon the teacher training policies in the Ottoman Empire, explained the practices of that period and discussed the first establishment of teacher schools. After taking the floor, Assoc. Dr. Kerim Sarıçelik, on the other hand, discussed the teacher training policies of the republican period and explained the transition process from village institutes and teacher schools to today's education faculties. Speakers also emphasized the importance of Konya in teacher training. It is also emphasized that the current Ahmet Keleşoğlu Education Faculty has a deep-rooted history. After the speeches, the question and answer part was passed and the activity was completed. At the end of the event, Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Education dean Prof. Dr. Erdal Hamarta both explained the teacher training approach of the education faculty for students and thanked the speakers. The event ended with the presentation of gifts.