The Importance of Learning a Foreign Language and Overseas Experience in Nursing

Tarih 07.05.2024
Birim Faculty of Nursing
SDG Quality Education, Gender Equality, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

The webinar titled "The Importance of Learning a Foreign Language and Abroad Experience in Nursing", jointly organized by our Faculty Graduate Profile Commission, Promotion and Career Days Commission, and HEPDAK 1st Standard, was held on 07 May 2024 at 20.00. Within the scope of the webinar, Specialist Nurse Pakize DURMAZ, who works in England, gave information about the importance of learning a foreign language, opportunities to learn a foreign language, and her experience of being a nurse in England. She also answered the questions of students, graduates, and nurses working in different institutions who attended the webinar. We thank them for the valuable information they provided to our event.