The Importance of Physical Activity in the Elderly

Tarih 13.12.2023
Birim Faculty of Nursing
SDG Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Reduced Inequalities

Within the scope of the Nursing Education Course of our Faculty's Nursing Education Department, a training titled "The Importance of Physical Activity in the Elderly" was given to Private Merkezsev Nursing Home Residents. It was held on 13.12.2023 by 2nd Year Nursing students under the supervision of Dr. Aliye ÇAYIR and Dr. Fatma YENER ÖZCAN. Nursing home residents and our students came together and had nice interactions. In this training, the importance of physical activity for human health, the benefits of physical activity, health problems that may be encountered when no activity is performed, and physical activity recommendations were explained. At the end of the training, the nursing home residents were made to do the recommended physical activities accompanied by our 2nd-grade students.