The InnoPark Konya Technology and Development Zone Trip

Tarih 22.11.2023
Birim Faculty of Nursing
SDG Quality Education, Gender Equality, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

The trip organized by the Department of Nursing Management was attended by Assoc. Prof. Dr., It was realized under the consultancy of Bilgen ÖZLÜK. Accompanied by Entrepreneurship Center Assistant Expert Mr. Buğra KARAN, the InnoPark Konya Technology and Development Zone tour started. Mr. KARAN informed the students about the implementation of an idea and the TÜBİTAK 1512 Individual Young Enterprise (BiGG) Support Program. After some companies in İnnoPark introduced themselves, a drone show was watched. Then, the tour program was completed by visiting InnoPark. We would like to thank Mr. Buğra KARAN for sharing his knowledge with us in the tour program and for his support.