Those Who Cling to Life with Transplantation Are Grateful to Donors

Tarih 10.11.2022
Birim Rectorate
SDG Good Health and Well-Being

Those who left behind the difficult times they went through at a young age due to organ failure in Konya, with the transplant, called for donations.   Seda Nur Çalışkan, a 28-year-old nurse who underwent a liver transplant, said that she decided to lose weight 7 years ago when she was a nursing student.   Çalışkan stated that he used slimming tea during this period and stated that after a while he experienced itching in various parts of his body.   Explaining that the jaundice increased and the bleeding did not stop for any reason, Çalışkan said: "I was diagnosed with liver failure. Research revealed that this condition was caused by slimming tea. The process progressed so quickly that I left the house and had to have a liver transplant after 25 days. I had a liver transplant without immediate notification. The liver was removed from a cadaver. I lost consciousness about a week before the transplant. I was aware that something was wrong, but the disease progressed considerably and I was put to sleep in the intensive care unit. I woke up in the intensive care unit after the transplant. You wake up and live your second life. Marrow and blood can be donated. Organs can also be donated, such as: God, who gave the problem, also gave the cure to another person. Everyone should be an organ donor. I think there is nothing better than receiving prayers from a person you don't know after death. I don't know who gave it to me, he and his family are in my every prayer. My family. And my friends keep him and his family in their prayers." “I Started My Second Life”  22-year-old Osman Cahit Yüksel, who regained his health with the kidney taken from his aunt, noted that he was diagnosed with kidney failure at the hospital he applied to due to pain in his foot.   Stating that he started to undergo dialysis after the diagnosis and that they made attempts for a transplant, Yüksel said, "A suitable kidney was found from my aunt. Thanks to my aunt, I started my second life 7 years ago. My aunt and I are like friends. My aunt and I are kidney sisters, she gave her life. Giving a new life to a person is truly a beautiful thing." "thing," he said.   17-year-old Rahman Değer, who had congenital kidney failure, said that he regained his health 3 years ago with the kidney taken from his father.   Emphasizing that he no longer suffers from any kidney disease, Değer said, "A new life, a new beginning was very nice. I invite everyone to donate organs." “Let's use the organs that will become soil as means for a person to regain health”  Director of our University Organ Transplantation Application and Research Center, Prof. Dr. Tevfik Küçükkartallar stated that 7-8 organs and tissues can be transplanted from one donor, thus 8-10 patients can regain their health.   Stating that living donor transplants are at the forefront in Turkey, Küçükkartallar continued as follows: "In fact, the ideal is to have donations from cadavers. When we say cadavers, we are talking about people who are connected to a respirator, whose blood does not flow to their brain anymore, but who can live for a certain period of time with medical support. We cannot receive organs after every death." If only it could be like that, we would have solved this problem to a large extent. Medically, the organs must be alive, blood must flow through them, the heart must be working even with medical support, the lungs must carry oxygen to the organs with the support of a respirator, and they must be present before us as healthy organs. The organs that will become soil must be a "Let's help people regain their health. While donors feel the pain of losing their loved ones deeply, they also give hope to people who will have a new life with their organs."   We would like to thank Anadolu Agency and Zehra Melek Çat.