Tourist-Guided Field Study-Mevlana Museum Trip

Tarih 06.12.2022
Birim Faculty of Tourism
SDG Quality Education

Necmettin Erbakan University, Faculty of Tourism, Department of Tourism Guidance, Assist. Under the coordination of Prof. Hasan Ali Erdoğan, a Field Study on the Tourist Guide Profession was carried out before the "Şeb-i Aruz 2022" program. With the study, both theoretical and practical models were presented to 30 students from the Department of Tourism Guidance on how to carry out guidance services in the Mevlana Museum for 1 day. Under the guidance of Professional Tourist Tuğba Kabakçı, who works within the Konya Metropolitan Municipality Tourism Directorate, Mevlana Museum guidance training and practice activities were carried out.  
With the fieldwork, it is aimed for students to develop their planning, operation knowledge, manners and skills both theoretically and practically for the Mevlana Museum trip.