Tarih 15.05.2024
Birim School of Medicine
SDG Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education

The suspended version (2024) of the Core Curriculum for Medical Biochemistry Specialty Training, created by the curriculum development and standard setting system of the Medical Specialty Board, was examined. Differences compared to the previous version were identified. The opinions of all faculty members and residents were taken. It was evaluated what to write in the online suggestion and objection form and which issues to mention.

Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Mass spectrometry, Nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) isolation and purification, polymerase chain reaction (PCR and RT PCR), Hybridization Methods, Genotyping, Mutation Analysis targets in the analytical methods section were evaluated as level 2, that is, the ability to perform this intervention in an emergency with a guide or guideline or under supervision and supervision, the possibilities of the department and the institution were discussed, and the suitability of the competency levels were discussed.

It was suggested that the duration of the internal medicine rotation among rotation trainings could be reduced, inpatient monitoring should not be one of the primary goals of the medical biochemistry assistant and the level of competence in this subject should be reduced. Department of Medical Biochemistry