Turkish Music State Conservatory Performance Committee Concert Elif

Tarih 06.12.2023
Birim Conservatoire
SDG Sustainable Cities and Communities

"Elif" concert was organized by the Turkish Music State Conservatory of our University within the scope of the International Commemoration Ceremonies of the 750th Vuslat Anniversary of Hz. Mevlana.

Our Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Kahraman, Secretary General of our University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Zahit Selvi, Dean of our University Faculty of Dentistry Prof. Dr. Ali Rıza Tunçdemir, Dean of our University Faculty of Dentistry Prof. Dr. Ali Rıza Tunçdemir, Dean of our University Faculty of Nursing Prof. Dr. Emel Ege, university administrators, academicians and many citizens attended the concert held in Nezahat Keleşoğlu Conference Hall of our University Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Theology under the direction of Prof. Dr. Mehmet Gönül, Director of our University Turkish Music State Conservatory. One must be as straight as 'Elif' from birth until death Speaking at the concert, which was followed with great interest by an intense audience, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Gönül said, "Hz. Mevlana's love that transcends our geography is known to all of us. We have prepared our concert with a repertoire with the name 'Elif', which will perhaps best describe his bright path and the exceptional states he described in Sufi language. In our Sufism, 'Elif' symbolizes Allah Almighty. It is always emphasized that Elif, exclusive to its nickname, should be as straight as 'Elif' in every stage of our life, in every way of our life, from our birth to our death. The cypress trees planted on our graves after our deaths and even engraved on our tombstones, the tulip motif, which is widely used in Sufism and marbling, and the elif, tulip, rose, nightingale are constantly engraved on all Turkish-Islamic arts. In our minaret, in our state, it is 'Elif'. Today we will say 'Elif' to point to Allah, who is free from all kinds of imperfect attributes. Today, we will emphasize elif in our hearts and souls.