University-Industry Collaboration Activities (RETAY)

Tarih 15.02.2024
Birim Institute of Science
SDG Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

On 15.02.2024, a technical visit was organized by our Institute to RETAY Silah Company, one of the defense industry supplier companies in Konya.
Our Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ali KAHRAMAN, Prof. Dr. Hidayet Oğuz, Prof. Dr. Murat Dilmeç, Prof. Dr. Ş. Yurdagül Kumcu, Assoc. Dr. Fatih Erci, Assoc. Dr. Emrah Madenci, Dr. Ahmet Burçin Batıbay, Assoc. Assist. B. Selman Erdoğdu, Assist. Assist. M. İhsan Özgün and our students participated.

We would like to thank Dr. Ahmet Burçin Batıbay for his contributions to the organization of the technical trip, all participants and RETAY company officials and employees for their kind hospitality.