Village School Support Event

Tarih 05.11.2022
Birim Faculty of Nursing
SDG No Poverty, Quality Education

Support Event for the Village School (Stationery, Books, Toys) Our Faculty's Department of Child Health and Diseases Nursing and the Hand in Hand for Health Community organized a charity bazaar in front of the entrance gate of our faculty to support a village school on 05.11.2022. Approximately 200-250 students, academicians, faculty and hospital staff as well as patients/patient relatives attended the event. As part of the event, participants made financial contributions by purchasing products offered for sale to support the village school. Participants also supported our event by donating books and toys. We would like to thank the students, faculty and staff of the Faculty of Nursing and the Faculty of Health Sciences, the staff of the Faculty of Medicine Hospital and our patients who participated in our event.