Visit to Konya Manuscripts Library within the scope of Museums Week

Tarih 17.05.2024
Birim Meram Vocational School
SDG Quality Education, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Meram Vocational School Graphic Design Department 2nd year students visited Konya Manuscript Library within the scope of Museums Week. During the visit, Head of Graphic Design Department Lecturer. Gör. Serpil Yakut and Lect. Assist. Hümeyra Uslu Circir and accompanying students were present. Faruk Ağartan, one of the experts of Konya Manuscripts Regional Directorate, explained the functioning of the Manuscript Library to the students. Ağartan; “Our Konya Manuscripts Institution brings rare printed and manuscript works to the history collection.  If the works that come through purchase and donation are worn out, they are restored. Digital archives are kept by digitizing manuscripts.” He used his expressions.

Stating that trainings are organized to introduce manuscripts, Ağartan added that apart from Konya, there are libraries in Diyarbakır and Manisa where manuscripts are exhibited. The students, who asked what they were curious about the subject, stated that the trip gave them a different experience.