Visit to Meram Municipality by Students of Recreation Management Department

Tarih 07.11.2021
Birim Rectorate
SDG Quality Education

Necmettin Erbakan University Recreation Management Department students came together with Meram Mayor Mustafa Kavuş within the scope of "Local Administrations and Recreation" course. At the meeting held in the Meram Municipality Assembly Hall, faculty members of the department, Assoc. Mehmet DEMIREL and Dr. Instructor Member Mustafa Sabır BOZOĞLU was also present. Consultations were held on the recreational contributions and employment areas of local governments. In the meeting, which was very warm, Mr. President showed special interest to our students and mentioned the importance of cooperation with the Department of Recreation Management, both in Youth Centers, as well as in Social, Sportive and Cultural fields, and the place of the Department in our country with examples abroad.