Visit to Mevlana for Urgench State University and Urgench State Pedagogical Institute Rectors

Tarih 10.07.2024
Birim Faculty of Political Science
SDG Good Health and Well-Being, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

A visit to Mevlana, Konya's most significant cultural heritage, was organized for Professor Dr. Bakhrom Ismoilovich Abdullaev, Rector of Urgench State University, and Associate Professor Dr. Feruza Ruzimbayevna Madrakhimova, Rector of Urgench State Pedagogical Institute. During the program, the visiting faculty members were provided with cultural insights and historical information about Mevlana. The visit included detailed explanations about Mevlana's philosophy and life, offering a comprehensive understanding of Konya's cultural heritage. This program enabled our guests to closely acquaint themselves with the rich history and cultural values of Konya.