Volunteering Course Studies

Tarih 22.03.2022
Birim Rectorate
SDG Quality Education, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Partnerships for The Goals

As Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Within the scope of the Volunteering Studies course, which was started for the 3rd grade students in our faculty this year, the youth leaders working in the units affiliated to the Meram Youth Center offered an efficient and enjoyable lesson to our students and teachers with Volunteering activities. We thank our youth leaders for their contributions. It is very important for our students that young leaders attend such trainings. Within the scope of this course, it has been an important lesson for our students in terms of both being an example and developing new projects by exchanging ideas. While the students took part in social responsibility projects voluntarily in the volunteering studies course, they also included projects that are very important for both animals and our nature. He collected the leftover food and bread scraps in the cafeteria, as well as plastic bags and plastic cups in separate bags, recycled plastics and left the food around the faculty for street animals. With this practice, which we will make permanent, we will continue to contribute to a sustainable nature and living life.

Link: https: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbfvt_1tbBq/