Water Saving Awareness

Tarih 12.06.2024
Birim School of Medicine
SDG Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Clean Water and Sanitation, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Despite the limited water resources on earth, increasing unconscious water consumption made us choose this project and want to raise awareness about water saving. In this project we impemented for patients and their relatives at NEU Faculty of Medicine Hospital, we aimed to measure the awareness level of our audience about ‘’Water Saving’’ and to inform and raise awareness on this subject. After competing the survey consisting of 10 questions ( 5 information questions, 5 agree/disagree questions) we provided information based on the answers they gave and reinforced this by giving out our brochures. We completed our project with a total of 100 surveys and 100 brchures. While carrying out the project and statistically evaluating the surveys, we saw that most people, regardless of their education level, know that they should use water economically. With this project, in addition to what they already know, we invited them to use water economically by explining that the water resources we have access to are very limited, that we can contribute to these resources by saving water, and how we can save money