"We are the bridge not the borders" Short Term Joint Staff Training

Tarih 09.05.2022
Birim Ahmet Kelesoğlu Faculty of Education
SDG Quality Education, Reduced Inequalities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Necmettin Erbakan University's Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Education organized an event titled "We are the Bridge, Not the Borders" that promotes intercultural dialogue and tolerance with a short-term joint staff training.

This event aims to bring together students and academics from many different cultures and ethnicities around the world and increase intercultural competencies and awareness of global citizenship. The activity aims to share and integrate good practices in the educational practice of countries such as Bulgaria, Spain, Turkey, Romania and Greece.

The training program aimed to educate tolerance through the lessons of the past by enabling participants to meet Bulgarian phenomena recognized as world heritage sites and to receive education about historical events such as the Holocaust. Through a variety of activities with students and teachers, participants will learn to understand and embrace the richness and depth of different cultures more deeply.

In particular with regard to SDG 4, this project highlights how intercultural dialogue and understanding can be promoted through improving quality and accessibility in education. In alignment with SDG 10 and SDG 16, the project aims to reduce inequalities between communities and create a more just, peaceful society.

This activity provides an opportunity for students and the general community to deepen their understanding and respect for different cultures, beliefs, and lifestyles. Thus, together, embracing multiculturalism and diversity has the potential to make our society more informed, tolerant, and united.