We met and communicated with our Somali student Hibak, who preferred our university for his master's education and stayed in the dormitory.

Tarih 26.04.2022
Birim Institute of Health Sciences
SDG Quality Education

Graduate students have a different experience in their academic journey. This period provides an opportunity to explore more deeply the knowledge and experiences they have already gained, but it also involves some specific challenges. In graduate education, students are often exposed to intense work tempo and pressure while being busy with complex theses, projects and research. This process, which requires in-depth expertise, can sometimes leave students with feelings of loneliness, stress, and uncertainty. For this reason, listening to the problems of graduate students, giving them morale and providing support can contribute to both their academic success and personal development. Let's not forget that these students have the potential to make significant contributions to the world of knowledge and innovation, and by listening to them, we can further strengthen this potential.
