Working Conditions of Veterinarians and Horse Trainers in Hippodromes

Tarih 14.11.2023
Birim Konya Ereğli Kemal Akman Vocational School
SDG Quality Education, Gender Equality, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

The webinar titled "Working Conditions of Veterinarians and Horse Trainers in Hippodromes" was organized by Dr. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yavuzkan PAKSOY, Lecturer. Assist. Mustafa ERZEN and Turkey Jockey Club Adana Yeşiloba Hippodrome manager started with the participation. The participants were first informed about the establishment and history of the Jockey Club of Turkey. In line with the purpose of the webinar, the participants were informed about the working conditions in hippodromes and race horse breeding in our country. In the question and answer part, opinions were exchanged especially for the development of horse trainers and working conditions to be able to work in healthier environments with legal bases. Especially the low female population in hippodromes and the problems experienced by female personnel were emphasized; ideas were presented to prevent these problems. The recruitment process of veterinarians was evaluated and what they should pay attention to in their professional life in order to specialize in equine medicine was emphasized. Experiences were shared on how to develop horse owner - veterinarian, horse owner - trainer, trainer - veterinarian relations on a healthy basis. Opinions were shared on the damages caused by the equine stakeholders and the differences of opinion among these stakeholders to the racehorse breeding in our country and how these damages can be prevented. At the end of the webinar, the issues discussed and solution suggestions were briefly mentioned and the webinar was concluded.

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