World Water Day 2

Tarih 25.03.2022
Birim Faculty of Nursing
SDG Clean Water and Sanitation, Life Below Water

WORLD WATER DAY Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Nursing, Department of Child Health and Diseases Nursing, third grade students organized a World Water Day and Teeth Brushing event in Fatih Sultan Mehmet Primary School Kindergarten. At the event, our faculty's students, kindergarten students, were trained on the importance of protecting our water and brushing their teeth. Then, toothbrushes were given as gifts to kindergarten students. For his contributions, Prof. Dr. Emine GEÇKİL, Res. See. We would like to thank Selverhan YURTTUTAN, Environmental Engineer Kübra ŞENER and our students Şeyda Durdu BALTA, Ayşe Nur KAN, Sümeyye ULUSOY, Said BİTKİN, Elif BAYRAKÇI.