World Water Day

Tarih 22.03.2024
Birim Faculty of Nursing
SDG Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Clean Water and Sanitation, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Nursing Department of Child Health and Diseases Nursing and Hand in Hand for Health Community organized World Water Day and Proper Hand Washing training at Meram Şehit Kubilay Kindergarten. At the event, children were informed about the importance of water, protecting water, saving water, and proper hand washing. Pens provided by KOSKİ and giving messages reminding the importance of water to children were given as gifts. We would like to thank the Department of Child Health and Diseases Nursing and the Hand in Hand for Health Community for organizing the event, and Meram Şehit Kubilay Kindergarten Papatyalar class teacher Selma PORTAKAL for supporting the education.