YKS Preference Consultancy Days-1

Tarih 26.07.2024
Birim Konya Ereğli Kemal Akman Vocational School
SDG Quality Education, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

It is an event organized by the academicians of our Vocational School to provide information about universities and departments to students who will make university preferences with the announcement of the Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS).

The Preference and Promotion Days event, which was designed as two separate events, was first explained to the candidates; horizontal transfers, vertical transfers, second university without exams, scholarships and joint programs abroad.

University preferences are an important decision in an individual's educational life because choosing the right university is a major factor in one's academic, professional and personal development. Making a good university choice while evaluating career opportunities opens up many career doors that will carry one's status to a higher level with high returns in business life.

An individual graduating from a good university with an effective education is considered a valuable qualification by employers. Every person who graduates wants to have a good profession and earn a good income. As for the quality of education, each university has great differences even among its own departments. It is very important to know which universities are good universities, which have qualified quality teaching staff, the most up-to-date curricula, which can offer the latest model technological infrastructure and laboratory facilities that can put them into practice, and to be able to direct our students, whose fate we determine, correctly. Each university has its own academic field and specialization.

Which university provides advanced education in the field your student is interested in, and how can you filter the university that is recognized in that field in the department they want to study? How can you realize this university in the most accurate way in the preference ranking? Key research sources are shown for all questions.

For example YÖK ATLAS, Labor Market Performance Indicators, University Field-Based Competency Analysis Results.

YDÜ Ereğli Kemal Akman Meslek Yüksekokulu binasında düzenlenen üç saatlik etkinliğe, aileler ve adaylar katıldı.

Etkinlik sonunda adaylardan tercih listeleri ile birlikte ikinci etkinliğe gelmeleri istendi.

Etkinlik sonunda adayların ve ailelerin teşekkür etmesi bize etkinliğin doğru amaç ve yöntemle gerçekleştiğini gösterdi.


