Young Meetings Taksim Art Gallery Mixed Exhibition

Tarih 21.07.2024
Birim Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture
SDG Sustainable Cities and Communities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Ceramics students participated in the mixed exhibition titled 'Young Meetings' at the Taksim Art Gallery in Istanbul with their works. ibbtaksimsanat Taksim Art, positioned as a culture and art stop in Taksim, continues to serve with a dynamic curation by giving priority to the contemporary modern art world and especially young artists. The exhibition, which brings together approximately 80 works by 41 young artists from 20 different universities in Turkey, brings together the unique voices and visions of future artists. While young artists express their concerns about life by touching on social values ​​in their works, they reflect individualization within society, the flow of life and their own stances to art lovers.