30.12.2024 Posture Training for Women in Daily Life Our Vocational School Therapy and Rehabilitation Department Physiotherapy Program 2nd year students organized posture training…
28.12.2024 Special Education Material Design Exhibition Opening Özel Eğitim Bölümü 4. Sınıf öğrencileri tarafından hazırlanan ve “Özel Eğitimde Materyal Tasarımı” dersi kapsamında…
27.12.2024 Technical Trip-Bağlar Wind Power Plant Students and faculty members from the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of Necmettin Erbakan University's…
27.12.2024 Volunteering and Cooperation Workshop by Süleyman Arslantaş Süleyman Arslantaş, one of the faculty members of the Faculty of Education, held a meaningful…
26.12.2024 Conference on Youth's Search for Meaning. Süleyman Ragıp Yazıcılar participated as a speaker in the conference organised by the Young Women's…
25.12.2024 Theoretical Trainings of School Term Skills Workshop Under the guidance of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zehra Atbaşı from the Department of Special Education,…
23.12.2024 Meaningful Meeting at Karatay Special Education Vocational School Students of the course of Teaching Work and Occupational Skills in Mental Disabilities visited Karatay…
22.12.2024 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yusuf Sayın Discusses Potential Turkish Operation Against YPG/PKK in Syria on A Haber Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yusuf Sayın, a faculty member at our institution, appeared on A Haber…
20.12.2024 Zero Waste and Waste Management Training On 20.12.2024, “Zero Waste and Waste Management” Training was carried out with our 2nd-grade students…
20.12.2024 “Technology Addiction” Activity for Primary School Students “Technology Addiction” training was carried out with our 2nd grade students under the supervision of…
20.12.2024 There is Play on the Street We had a wonderful event with our little guests from Konya YORA Yeni Orman Kindergarten,…
20.12.2024 Exercise Training at Merkezsev Nursing Home On 20.12.2024, at 10:00, “Exercise Training” was carried out with our 2nd year students under…
20.12.2024 "Recycling" Education Activity for Primary School Students On 20.12.2024, "Recycling" education was carried out with our 2nd-grade students under the supervision of…
19.12.2024 Qadi Iyaz Readings for public Faculty of Theology Hadith Department faculty member Prof. Dr. Ömer Özpınar took part in the…
19.12.2024 “Disabled Individual Awareness” Training Event Konya Provincial Directorate of National Education Selçuklu District Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Primary School 4th grade…
19.12.2024 Vocational Training and Employment in Individuals with Special Needs In the seminar organised in cooperation with Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Education, Department of Special…
16.12.2024 Text analysis for migrant students the International Theologians Community, which is formed by the students of the Faculty of Theology,…
16.12.2024 Food Safety and Food Assurance Seminar in the Light of Global Developments A conference was organized within the scope of the European Union project, hosted by our…
16.12.2024 Hand Hygiene Training(Primary education group) Hand hygiene education aims to provide primary school students with a basic habit to protect…
14.12.2024 "Disobedient Patriot: Tarık Buğra" Within the scope of Dârülmülk Culture Talks, "Disobedient Patriot: Tarık Buğra" was discussed. We listened…